How do I know if I can take part?

Higher education students who have completed their first year can benefit from Erasmus + studies and its placement programs. There is no age limit. You can find more information about the program here.

What about the money?

Each student receives a scholarship that partially covers the costs of the stay abroad. Scholarships vary depending on the countries of origin and destination. Your university is obliged to make the amount of the scholarship known to the student body, so you only have to ask at your international relations office to find out. You can also check the Erasmus+ programme guide for more details.

Will my courses be the same?

One of the basic rights that every exchange student has is full recognition by their home university of approved courses. Before leaving, each participating student signs the Learning Agreement - a document that describes the study program taught at the host university. At the end of the stay, the host university must prepare for each student a document called Transcript of Records that confirms the completed study program and the results. These documents are legally binding for all parties involved (your home and host university). If you find recognition problems, you can ask student organizations for help so that your courses are validated.

My foreign language skill is not that great though…

No worries! Universities very often offer language courses for international students. Since 2015, Erasmus+ students will be able to register on the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support page to choose language courses.

Ok…I am almost ready!

You can ask your local ESN section for advice and suggestions. Our volunteers, who were also Erasmus+ students, will help you throughout the process. They can put you in contact with Erasmus+ Alumni or with ESN sections in your destination county and give you valuable tips and trick on the best experience you are about to embark on.

For information on how to apply, deadline dates, etc, please contact the International Relations Office of your university.